The Market@theSheds is a Capital Collective project, an initiative driving revival projects in the Pretoria CBD. Embracing the flavours and talents of South Africa’s Capital, local entrepreneurs, designers, artists and musicians form the bulk of the market. The market aims to provide a platform of support for young emerging artists and entrepreneurs to gain exposure and showcase their amazing talent. For some, the vibe at the market is merely a welcome surprise, but for many more, it is a proud display of the People City’s (often downplayed) creative offering.

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Facebook (Market @ the Sheds),

Twitter (@Marketattheshed)

Instagram (Market_thesheds)


The Capital Collective initiative, is focused on starting projects and creating connections between different stakeholders who are or want to be part of the inner city rejuvenation. The initiative creates a platform where ideas and initiatives can be shared and explored, not only to raise interest and awareness, but also to find possible avenues for collaboration and support, and eventually tangible outcomes.

Follow us:

Facebook page: capitalcollectivepretoria

Facebook Group: The Capital Collective – Pretoria Revival Project

Twitter: @CapitalCollectv

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